Each individual is unique given one's personal set of experiences, beliefs, values, and biological-genetic influences. Further, a person's culture is an additional factor that weighs heavily on both a conscious and unconscious level in interaction with others, view of the world, and personal strivings. Therefore, each treatment plan is developed on an individual basis.
I view unhealthy, impulsive behaviors as being symptoms of irrational thoughts, overwhelming emotions, or sensory deprivation in one's environment. I typically spend ample time focusing on challenging then replacing unhealthy belief systems, which may be the underlying contribution to presenting behaviors and symptoms. I may also do investigative, exploratory work to help my client determine what needs are not being fulfilled, and then determine ways to get those needs met.
Lastly, I recognize the mind-body connection. A healthy, optimally functioning brain leads to a healthy body, and healthy body leads to an optimally functioning brain. A healthy lifestyle and making sound choices to care for your body help with the reduction of symptoms, and enhancement of positive mood. It is important to me that each client achieves a peak level of body and brain functioning.